FREE 5-Day introduction to intermittent fasting!

The Most Powerful Strategy To Kickstart Fat Burning, Curb Cravings, Reduce Pain & Inflammation, and Make Long Lasting Health Improvements

Dr. Jonny Bowden is the author of 12+ books and has been featured on...


You'll get immediate FREE access to 7 videos from Dr. Jonny Bowden about Intermittent fasting plus our Toolkit Guide to start your plan today!
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Here's What You'll Learn...
  • How to reset your "broken" metabolism to break through the barrier to weight loss with THE most effective intervention!
  • How to activate fat burning with specific fasting strategies
  • What simple action steps you can take to turn off your hormones that cause hunger and cravings
  • How to safely and gently start Intermittent Fasting to get the best experience and maximum results
  • Guidance and suggestions from board certified nutrition specialist and best selling author, Dr. Jonny Bowden, and licensed nutritionist Annika Rockwell, RDN

After Registration, You'll Get Immediate Access to the Getting Started Video and Meta-Fasting Toolkit PDF!



Jonny inspiring video messages will be delivered to you with exciting content to help you understand how intermittent fasting works, how it can help you, and how to prepare your mind and body to get the health benefits from this incredible practice.


7 most important things to know about fasting, summary charts of pros and cons of doing difference kinds of fasts, your daily checklist, scientific research and references, and handy tips.

 Question & Answer Session

You'll have access to the our last Q&A webinar recording, and you'll be invited to join us for our next LIVE call where we will be answering your questions live!


You'll be able to access all the videos and materials included in the 5-day introduction, all organized in ONE place for easy access! This is especially handy in case you miss any of our emails. 


Q: Is there a specific time/date when I need to begin doing this 5-day introduction?
A: No, you can begin at your own pace and at the time most convenient for you.  We recommend that you first just watch/listen to the videos and then start to implement the easy daily recommendations to start getting your body ready. 

Q: Do I need to change my diet to get the benefits from this intro to intermittent fasting?
A: No, you don't "have to" change your diet to get benefits. However, we're going to encourage you to get the best results possible by optimizing your diet!  If you decide to sign up for our 2 week Meta-Fasting course, there are incredible meal plan options we included as a bonus which have been carefully designed to have optimal macronutrient ratios and nutrient density to help you get the best possible results.

Q: Do I have to stop eating or stop going to work in order to do this fasting challenge?
A: No, definitely not! This is an introduction course. We will be preparing you mentally and physically with the introductory information so that you are equipped with what you need in order to undertake a variety of different types of intermittent fasts if you choose to. In addition, if you do intermittent fasting correctly, you will absolutely be able to continue your daily routine, go to work, and exercise just as you usually do.  But, you may realize that you're starting to feel even better than you have in years!

Q:  I have a very physically active job 6 days a week and I need to eat every two hours when I'm working. How could I possibly do any kind of fast? 
A:  One thing you might be surprised to learn in this program is that you actually don't NEED to eat every two hours... But your body has become used to it because it only knows how to burn quick sugars and carbohydrates. By learning the strategies we'll cover during the five days, you'll understand how to train your body to use your own body fat as fuel for consistent physical and mental energy. 

Q: I have an extremely stressful life and I use food to help cope with my stress and anxiety. But, I really need to lose a lot of weight.  Can I do intermittent fasting? 
A: During the 5-days, we'll be discussing the relationship between stress and weight gain and some helpful strategies which you can start implementing in your life right away. You'll also learn about some easy beginner type of fasts which you can try out, even if your life is very stressful. 


Dr. Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS

For 30 years, Jonny Bowden has been writing books, featured on radio shows, and speaking at conferences as an expert on the topic of nutrition, weight loss, and wellness. Jonny is the scientific advisor for Rockwell Health LLC, and the best-selling author of 15 books including "The Great Cholesterol Myth", "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth", "Living Low Carb", "The Most Effective Ways To Live Longer", and the blockbuster weight-loss program, "The Metabolic Factor".

A board-certified nutrition PhD with a masters in psychology and 6 personal training certificates, Jonny's no-nonsense, myth-busting approach has made him a popular guest on television including “Dr. Oz”, “the Doctors”, ABC-TV, MSNBC-TV, CNN, CBS-TV, CBN, Fox News, NBC-TV and on morning shows across the country.

A prolific writer, Dr. Jonny has written for The New York Times, Forbes, The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, Vanity Fair Online, Men’s Heath, Prevention, and dozens of other print and online publications. He recently appeared in the documentary, “The Big Fat Lie,” narrated by Dr. Mark Hyman, about the origins of the dietary guidelines in America.  

Annika Rockwell, RD, LN

Annika Rockwell is a Licensed Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian with over twenty-six years of experience in the field of integrative nutrition, functional medicine, and Medical Nutrition Therapy to address the root cause of health conditions.

Annika's nutrition and lifestyle programs are created using evidence-based therapies and functional lab testing to get personalized and effective recommendations. In 2023 to 2024, Annika's continuing education has included a certification in Menopause Hormone Literacy via QSI, and coursework on advanced lab testing via The Kalish Institute of Functional Medicine.

Her passion for nutrition and functional medicine stems from her decades of chronic health struggles which prevented her from living the life she wanted. Annika was plagued with multiple conditions including autoimmune thyroid disease, chronic fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, depression, bronchial and sinus infections, debilitating menstrual symptoms, PCOS, hypoglycemia, kidney stones, chronic headaches, and heavy metal toxicity, and ultimately, was told her conditions were incurable and be unable to conceive. 

What she discovered instead is that she just needed a different approach to healing... Food-as-medicine!  By addressing the root causes of her symptoms one by one, she became a new version of herself, free of debilitating disease, capable of conceiving, and able to live life to the fullest!

Annika customizes a lifestyle medicine program for each of her clients in order to address the unique root cause of their weight gain and health challenges especially through peri- and post-menopause. Read more...
Rockwell Health, LLC

North Carolina Nutrition Consulting Services
305 Oberlin Rd. Raleigh, NC 27605
Phone / Text / Fax: (919) 275-3221

Florida Office:  16417 Sapphire Place, Weston, FL 33331
(305) 534-1399