The Weight & Wellness launch

Annika Rockwell, Licensed Nutritionist and Dietitian, Functional & Integrative Medicine


The Weight & Wellness Launch is unique and effective.

We create your plan based on cutting-edge lab test results that reveal the best nutrition, supplements & lifestyle strategies for your unique metabolism and biochemistry.  Plus, we support you in implementing your program and achieving your goals! 

This means you'll get faster, easier, and more permanent results because we're customizing your plan based on your lab work and unique needs. 

Total Value: $3,200
Special Price: ➡️ Just $999

Hi, I'm "Neeka". If you're here on my web page, you're probably looking for a nutrition expert who can create a great weight loss plan so you can get back to a slimmer and healthier body, without doing an "extreme" diet that might be damaging.  

You might be wondering why in the world your metabolism just isn't working like it used to... 

The things you used to do to trim your tummy aren’t working anymore, right?

If you're like many of my clients who are in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, you’ve tried things like cutting calories or increasing cardio workouts... 

But then you noticed it’s just making you more hungry, tired, and grumpy! The typical diets out there can be pure torture because they rely on your will power to get through each day. Once that's gone, you just gain the weight right back. 🥺

Would you like a better alternative?  I have long-term solutions to weight gain! 

But first, let me ask you something...
How would you like to fit into your favorite pair of pants again? 

➡️ Without counting calories or doing exhausting cardio...
➡️ Without doing an "extreme" diet that is unhealthy...
➡️ Without dangerous medication or procedures that come with huge side effects...
➡️ Without sacrificing your energy or being miserable every day that you're on "the diet"

Is that a YES?! Then let me tell you about my LAUNCH PLAN for Weight & Wellness Reset!

It's for you if you aren't quite ready to jump into my 12-week Wellness RESET program.

This Launch Plan is a great way to get started.  You'll get a cutting-edge lab test which will help reveal your biggest roadblocks to improving your metabolism and overall health.  The OMX test can be done right at home without a blood draw. 

Using the results of the lab work and what we discuss during a 1-on-1 Zoom consultation, I'll then customize your food list and your macronutrient diet prescription. I'll also give you access to meal plans and a recipes app, and you'll learn about the best type of exercise to do based on your unique test results.

A little about me...

I LOVE helping clients discover the right food & lifestyle medicine program for their needs!  I have twenty seven years of professional experience in the field of functional and integrative health using Medical Nutrition Therapy. 

I can't wait to meet you and look forward to helping you get started on the right path!
Here's What's Included...

    Test for Metabolism, Energy, Brain, Detox & Weight Loss

    In order to fix your metabolism, we must first find out what's going on inside your body at a cellular level.  This cutting-edge lab test will check 11 important markers involved in your metabolism and energy including female hormones, blood sugar, thyroid, adrenal health, and vitamins.  We will interpret the results and let you know what's out of balance and how to address those things first in order to maximize your weight loss efforts!  And the test is super easy to do from the comfort of your home using saliva and blood spot via finger stick.  You'll receive a kit in the mail. Just fill out the questionnaire and look over the instructions.    Value: $350

    Comprehensive Lab Test With Report (6 Pages)

    Analysis of your metabolism via: 
    Estrogen/Progesterone imbalance: Causes weight gain in hips, thighs; water retention; low thyroid/low metabolism, mood swings, anxiety, migraines.
    DHEA: Affects energy, stamina, capacity to take on tasks or stressful situations, mood, mental clarity and sex drive.
    Cortisol imbalance: High causes insomnia, anxiety, sugar cravings, feeling tired but wired, increased belly fat & bone loss. Low levels cause fatigue, low energy, overwhelm, food and sugar cravings, poor exercise recovery, and low immune reserves - aka. Adrenal HPA Axis Dysfunction. 
    Vitamin D3: Low causes hyperinsulinemia and increases in visceral fat.
    TSH: Elevated causes hypothyroidism, low metabolic rate, and obesity
    Fasting Insulin: Insulin resistance causes abdominal obesity
    HbA1c: Is predictive of blood sugar challenges, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (Sample Report)

    Consultations & Lab Interpretation (2 x 90 minutes)

    We'll speak via Zoom for two dedicated 1-on-1 sessions with Annika and/or expert nutrition team member:  
    🩺Functional medicine assessment of your symptoms, goals, and medical history 
    🩸Review and interpretation of your lab test results
    🧪Actionable guidelines including diet, lifestyle, and supplements for your needs. 
    Value: $575

    Diet Macronutrient Prescription

    During our Zoom session together, you'll get a detailed plan with:
    ⚖️Your ideal ratio and grams of protein, fat, and carbs customized for your needs
    🥦Your food list
    🥩Protein visual guide
    🥑Fiber visual guide
    🍽️Access to use my client app for food journaling to see if you're on track
    Value: $295

    Program Guide, Meal Plans & Recipes

    You'll get the ENTIRE program guide which we include as part of our exclusive signature program, The Weight & Wellness Reset! This incredible guide is our blueprint which took years to create and has a proven track record of success!  
    ➡️Program guidelines, handouts, summary sheets, resources
    🥦Recipes ✅Checklists ☑️Shopping guides for choosing highest quality ingredients  📋Shopping lists for Costco/Trader Joes
    🍭Guides to healthy sweeteners, gluten, quick meal ideas, protein snacks
    ☮️Mindset journal, assessments for non-scale victories and amino imbalances, 💩Strategies for improving gut health, and resources you need on your journey!
    Value: $495

    Client Portal with Food Journal & Lifestyle Tracking (1-Month)

    Log your meals, measurements, activity, sleep, energy, and mood into our client app so we can monitor you, comment, encourage, and hold you accountable! We'll be able to notice trends like how things you do in your daily routine affect your energy, mood, blood sugar, stamina, and sleep. We'll review your entries for a full month after you get your lab results back. This service alone is the biggest game-changing part of the program!
    Value: $400

    Video Modules: 12 Foundational Topics for Weight & Wellness

    These recorded zoom videos from our group program classes will guide you through the launch of your plan! Topics include low-glycemic/anti-inflammatory diet, intermittent fasting, emotional eating, improving digestion, creating the best exercise for weight loss, joyful movement, strength training, optimizing nutrient intake, blood sugar monitoring, improving sleep quality, breathing techniques, and detoxification. Videos hosted by Dr. Jonny Bowden and Annika Rockwell. 
    Value: $500

    Direct Access to Annika & Nutrition Team via Chat Text (1-mth)

    You'll get daily access to ask questions and communicate with Annika and team via chat using the client mobile app!  Quick answers when you need guidance during the first 4 weeks after you get your lab test results back.
    Value: $300

    Customized Supplement Program

    💊Recommendations based on your test results which checks for common deficiencies so that you get exactly what you need to correct imbalances.
    ⭐Top quality supplements from professional brands that we've used for many years with our patients.
    💰Discount on every order your place inside our Fullscript Store!
    Value: $300+ per year

    Total Value: $2,945
    Special Price: ➡️ Just $999


    As a Licensed Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian with over 27 years of experience, I specialize in integrative nutrition, functional medicine, and Medical Nutrition Therapy to address the root causes of health conditions. A large part of my practice has focused on helping pre- and post- menopausal women with stubborn weight gain, energy, and health challenges which commonly occur during their 40s through 60s.

    Read More about "My Approach", "Comprehensive Health Assessment", "Areas of Expertise", "Certifications" & Education"



    Could not have lost weight without your help!

    "Neeka, I appreciate the world out of you. You've helped me lost 15 pounds already! 🙂 Thank you SO MUCH! This is my FIRST time losing weight without starving myself. I couldn't have done it without your help!" - Daniela in Cooper City, FL

    Lost 28 pounds and a decade of aging! 

    "Ms. Rockwell showed me how to properly do intermittent fasting and use a healthy keto diet to lose 28 pounds and a decade of aging! I have more energy and mental clarity. Her expertise on blood testing and technology to monitor my body is cutting edge (diet app, Fitbit, Keto-mojo). She asks the right questions, is very detailed, intelligent, and pleasant to work with... a wonderful transformational experience! Without hesitation, I recommend Ms. Rockwell." -M. McDonald in Southwest Ranches, FL

    Lost 26 inches and pain & fatigue are gone!

    I've learned so much about myself through Annika's program. I am now pain free, headache free, I'm not bloated, I'm not constipated, and my energy is through the roof!  She knew exactly where to direct me. Following that diet was a big revelation. It was a learning process and I welcomed it. It's a no brainer. If you have access to her, then don't even think about it... Just do it. Commit. It's 100% worth it! I rave and recommend her program to everybody. -Millie in Miami, FL


    My family’s nutritionist for over 10 years

    "Ms. Rockwell has been my family’s nutritionist for over 10 years. She is an excellent nutritionist who genuinely cares about her clients and their health needs and concerns. With Ms Rockwell you can expect to learn how to achieve optimal health through your foods, lifestyle, environment and much more. I highly recommend Annika's services!" Emily Jancura, Port St. Lucie, FL

    Age 50 and back to my college weight!

    Annika is so knowledgeable!  For years, I struggled with 20-30 excess pounds even though I was exercising a ton, and thought I was eating reasonably well. The program she put me on last year did the trick and I lost a total of 30 pounds and have kept it off! At age 50, I'm back at my college weight, and feeling fitter than ever! And, the advice Annika gave me also helped my psoriasis become hardly noticeable. I highly recommend her" -Tony N. in Miami Beach, FL

    No more chronic pain in my stomach, kidneys, and head

    Before my first meeting with Annika, I had had HORRIBLE pain in my gut after every meal. I would blow up like a balloon even when I ate very little. I also had constant pain in my right kidney from stones that I haven't passed, and I had headaches every day around 4pm.  Within five days on her program, my GI pain was gone. After 10 days, I no longer had daily headaches. And after a month, I no longer have kidney pain!! -M.A. in Miami, FL

    I highly recommend Annika...

    "Annika is a true scientist & nutrition expert. She’s so compassionate & more thorough than anyone I’ve worked with in this field. She’s helped me with kidney health, chronic pain & how to resolve this through what I eat. She’s truly a gift to this world and anyone who has the chance to work with her. Highly recommend…she’s the best!"  Rachael in Raleigh, NC


    Our Most Valuable Resource on Health Journey

    "Neeka, I'm always amazed by and greatly appreciate how many resources you provide. You've definitely been our most valuable resource on our health journey! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! This is an IMMENSE help. We're building up a reliable arsenal of products that we know we can trust and it's largely due to you."
    Shannon D. in Pembroke Pines, FL

    Neeka. You. Saved. My. Life!

    I'm on vacation and I can wear a bikini now.  I feel SO much BETTER!!  You. Saved My. Life. Thank you!  I needed this. Also been working on healing my thyroid and detoxing like we spoke about.  That book and your program are my bible.  I thank God our paths have crossed.  I am so grateful to have met you!! - Juliette N. in Raleigh, NC
    Rockwell Health, LLC

    North Carolina Nutrition Consulting Services
    305 Oberlin Rd. Raleigh, NC 27605
    Phone / Text / Fax: (919) 275-3221